graph LR %% Definitions subgraph ADC_K8S[ADC Kubernetes] SELF_HOSTED_GHA_RUNNER[Self-hosted GHA runner] OGDC[Open Geospatial Data Cloud] end subgraph RECIPE_REPO[Recipe repo] GHA[GitHub Actions] RECIPE[Recipe] SECRET[Secret token] end %% Relationships %% IMPORTANT: Keep these relationships first or styles will break! SELF_HOSTED_GHA_RUNNER -->|trigger| OGDC SELF_HOSTED_GHA_RUNNER -->|status| GHA GHA -->|trigger| SELF_HOSTED_GHA_RUNNER SECRET -->|read| GHA RECIPE -->|on change| GHA %% Style style ADC_K8S fill:#FFFFFF; style RECIPE_REPO fill:#FFFFFF; linkStyle 1,2 stroke:#ff6666,stroke-width:2px;
Recipe repository <-> OGDC
This is the interface between the open source recipe for data transformation and the ADC system for doing the transformation (Open Geospatial Data Cloud (OGDC)).