2024-03-27: Dev standup


March 27, 2024


  • Matt F.
  • Rushiraj
  • Trey


  • Rushiraj was able to get Docker working on an Ubuntu VM.
  • Rushiraj plans to work w/ datasets in the QGreenland code package. Extract one of those layers and visualize w/in the cesium map.
  • Datasets for end-to-end testing
    • future ice sheet projection layer
    • Seal tags data for first e2e
    • Some datasets are already in gpkg. Rushiraj to look at if any existing geopackage datasets are supported for visualization in cesium web portal map.
  • demo.arcticdata.io, test.arcticdata.io. Test data nodes pointing to already released or soon-to-be released data packages. Plan to create map in one of these enviroments, then can review together sometime next week. Can decide how to make changes to the qgreenland data portal.
  • Question: what functionality do we want to preserve w/ the existing qgreenland data portal? E.g., should it still allow for searching datasets that are associated w/ a region/location but do not actually have geospatial data. We should discuss with Twila/Alyse.
  • Familiarize with DataONE API (issue #1): Rushiraj shared a Gist with examples of how to interact with API in cURL