2024-04-11: Dev standup


April 11, 2024


  • Trey: Note-taker
  • Matt F.: Do-nothinger
  • Rushiraj: Screen-sharer

Activities review

  • One person leads taking notes (rotate!) but everyone helps out.
    • Replace these bullets with notes as you go!
  • One person shares screen (rotate!)
  • Review columns right-to-left:
    • What is newly completed?
    • What is waiting for review?
    • What is currently being worked on?
    • What will we work on next?


  • Matt and Trey were exploring how to deploy/setup Apache Spark on k8s, so that we could test running Apache beam workflows. Got stuck on configuring Spark. Documentation is dense, a LOT to learn.
    • Spark originally designed for JVM-based langs. Python, Go, others tacked on later. We want to focus on accessibility, we should pick a lang. Python makes sense as a focus.
  • Is ADC transitioning from Ray.io -> parsl? Why? Are they used for different scenarios?
    • viz-workflow README:

      The Permafrost Discovery Gateway visualization workflow uses viz-staging, viz-raster, and viz-3dtiles in parallel using Ray Core and Ray workflows. An alternative workflow that uses Docker and parsl for parallelization is currently under development.

    • Ray: more manual orechestration of containers

    • Parsl: Better integrated with k8s

  • We think it is a good idea to focus on understainding Parsl given the PDG’s utilization of this tech over Ray.

Action items