OGDC Design Meeting


May 22, 2024


We identified a need for a longer (2+ hours) collaborative design session to flesh out a design vision and technical roadmap. We also identified a need to avoid a Big Design Up Front (BDUF) approach.

Previous discussion notes about dev milestones


The sub-headers added here are not intended to be exhaustive. Please add more.

Design goals and requirements

Documentation: https://qgreenland-net.github.io/requirements.html

  • Matt J: Be able to do everything in:
    • https://github.com/PermafrostDiscoveryGateway/viz-staging
    • https://github.com/PermafrostDiscoveryGateway/viz-raster
    • https://github.com/PermafrostDiscoveryGateway/viz-3d-tiles
    • https://github.com/PermafrostDiscoveryGateway/viz-points
    • Be able to generate a processing pipeline based on examining incoming data
  • Matt J: What is it we’re going to produce?
    • Envisioning a set of services running and waiting for requests.
    • Or a workflow platform where you submit steps to be executed.
    • Workflow platform seems like where we’re headed.
  • Matt J: Cluster configuration can drastically affect the design of workflows
  • Matt J: Dynamic workflow generation
  • Matt J summary: Deal with transformations for existing PDG visualization challenges. Think we’re on the right track.

Tool selection


  • Considering:
    • Argo
    • How is storage managed? Dynamic PVCs?
      • Continued evaluation: What does the parallel version of one of our example workflows look like? Run on a tileset of N files
      • Experiment with drone imagery? <TODO: link>
    • What UX tools are there? Can we generate an SVG graph from a YAML?
    • Parsl
    • Ray
      • Promising for ML-specific stuff

Implementation roadmap

NOTE: Pre-populated by Trey & Matt, but we didn’t get to discussing it today.

Let’s break this into milestones! Brainstorm:

  • End-to-end data test (simple case): take some data, apply transformations, and publish results as DataONE dataset
    • Implemented some workflows in Argo & Parsl; remaining tasks are publishing to DataONE and triggering automatically from GitHub events.
  • Migrate QGreenland workflows to selected orchestrator
    • One existing workflow (arctic circle) successfully migrated programmatically to Argo YAML, ~20 others still need testing, ~200 more still need implementing.
  • Implement big and complex processing case for Cesium 3D tiles using e.g., drone imagery data as input
  • Implement community accessibility functionality, e.g. bots, checks, and other automations on GitHub
  • …?
  • Build QGreenland using data transformed and published to DataONE using OGDC
  • Extract QGreenland’s framework code to a “QAnywhere” library for compiling regional QGIS data projects

What other decisions do we need to finalize in this meeting?

What are the next decision points? Do we need a follow-up meeting?

  • Decide on a workflow tech! Depends on action items.

Action items