2024-12-09: Dev standup
- Trey
- Rushiraj
- Alyona
Trey: getting back up and running with QGreenland today.
- Install argo locally & ensure example workflow runs as expected. Improve/add documentation for setup.
- Work on
support for argo w/hera
- qgreenland portal is live in prod.
- One issue w/ some css in the metrics page. Will address in upcoming release.
- Argo setup on dev cluster. Ran medium workflow using pgd pipeline w/ PVC. Entire workflow is working.
- https://github.com/rushirajnenuji/dataone-gse/tree/feature-argo-devk8s-deploy
- Want to integrate parsl next.
- Install for agro on
- Before Juliet left, she and another dev from Google fellows was working with getting parsl working on kubernetes. Some of that is on the
- https://github.com/PermafrostDiscoveryGateway/viz-workflow
- Before Juliet left, she and another dev from Google fellows was working with getting parsl working on kubernetes. Some of that is on the
- qgreenland portal is live in prod.
Alyona: working on WMTS component. Got Argo-helm setup, able to get logged into the cluster.
Q from Rushiraj: QGreenland portal in prod, only polygon layers. Viz-pipeline does have code for processing other vector and raster formats. Wondering:
- How do we want to proceed.
- For raster layers: each layer has a colormapping. Ideally we want to use the same colors. Do we have docs on our styles? The workflow needs a style during running.