National Discovery Cloud for Climate workshop overview
Trey Stafford
Workshop overview
San Diego, CA March 6-7, 2024
Focus on defining NSF vision for accessible, cloud-based climate science
Similarities to
National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource Pilot (NAIRR)
~30 projects represented
Mostly PIs in attendance
Trey represented the QGreenland-Net project
Workshop activities
Guided discussions
Collective impact
Equity and education
Breakout groups
Networking/collaboration time
Workshop outcomes
Reccomendations for the NSF NDC-C via a workshop report
Slides describing each project
Establishment of actual and potential collaborations
Collaborations explored
EAGER: Scalable Climate Modeling using Message-Passing Recurrent Neural Networks
Elements: A workflow for efficient and reproducible permafrost geomorphology analysis
Pelican: Advancing the Open Science Data Federation Platform
National Data Platform Pilot: Services for Equitable Open Access to Data
NDC-C NSF website
NDC-C workshop website
NDC-C workshop notes
More photos from Trey’s trip