
How to share a calendar across organizations


In the Outlook web view:

  • Settings (cog wheel in upper right of outlook)
  • -> Calendar
  • -> Shared calendars
  • -> Publish a calendar”
    • You can set the “can view when I’m busy” permissions if you’d like to share only availability, not meeting titles.


How to configure Rancher Desktop

How to switch between clusters (change context)

Developers should have access to two sets of configuration:

  • Rancher desktop default config (~/.kube/config)
  • ADC dev-qgnet cluster config (~/.kube/qgnet_config)

The KUBECONFIG envvar should include these paths:

export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/qgnet_config:~/.kube/config

Once KUBECONFIG is set, you can view available contexts with kubectl config get-contexts:

$ kubectl config get-contexts
CURRENT   NAME              CLUSTER           AUTHINFO          NAMESPACE
*         dev-qgnet         dev-dataone       dev-qgnet         qgnet
          rancher-desktop   rancher-desktop   rancher-desktop

To set the context:

kubectl config use-context <context-name>

For more information about how to configure access to multiple clusters, see the kubernetess Configure access to multiple clusters doc.