2024-04-17: Technology discussion


April 17, 2024


  • Matt Fisher
  • Trey Stafford
  • Matt Jones
  • Rushiraj Nenuji


Architecture and interface diagrams review

New interface diagram

View new “recipe to OGDC” interface diagram

  • Matt J:
    • “Looks super compatible” with what ADC is doing already.
    • PDG transformation pipelines are driven by configuration files
    • “Fetch data as first step” is a mistake. Transferring data as part of a pipeline run can take an extremely long time w/ large datasets.
    • For smaller datasets, less of a constraint, but ADC tries to avoid the assumption that data can be fetched from the web.
    • How to leverage existing work on PDG services?
      • Functions for geospatial transformations are already defined in the PDG repo(s)
    • PDG has a deduplication function that lets you choose between two deduplication strategies.
    • PDG has service building blocks that are combined with configuration to define pipelines
    • Ray and parsl are largely the same thing, it shouldn’t be hard to switch between them
    • Juliet is moving work from Slurm -> Parsl on k8s.
      • Biggest challenge isn’t Ray -> Parsl, it’s dealing with the Slurm stuff.
  • Matt F:
    • Repo2docker-inspired approach to solving the 80% simple cases
    • Matt J: Need to account for complex workflows, most of work is on 20% “long tail”
      • Performance is extremely cluster-dependent. Our workflow performance is largely limited by i/o (that’s our “achilles heel”)
      • None of this comes in to play for in-memory datasets
  • Streaming?
    • Haven’t thought of it at ADC
    • QGreenland doesn’t have a use case
  • PDG: https://github.com/PermafrostDiscoveryGateway
  • GitHub self-hosted runner?
    • Use it with GH Enterprise at ADC
    • We would exceed the “free” runner limits
    • Haven’t tried running it on k8s before, usually use VM and S3.
    • Need a release to trigger data changes instead of on every merge to main. Some large products would be technically infeasible.
  • Matt J: I like pangeo-forge model for publicly-debated recipes for derived data products. Deriving our stuff on that is a good way to to.
  • Matt J: Test case?
    • Matt F: I think we need a broad suite of test cases, maybe 5-10, to represent the variety of data transformation cases we have.
  • Matt J: How do we handle triggering processing based on changes to data, when the recipe doesn’t need to change?
    • Manage this as part of a versioning scheme?
  • https://huggingface.co/spaces/boettiger-lab/leafmap

Workflow technology choice

  • ADC hasn’t decided between Ray and Parsl yet
  • Connect with PDG workflows team (Luigi is lead); they’re the ones doing the Ray ML evaluation and will have opinions

Why parsl?

  • Currently use htop/k8s logs to keep track of success/failure. Is there a more robust monitoring solution we could use?

  • Juliet was not involved in decision to use parsl instead of Ray; should we consider it a firm technology commitment by ADC or an experiment?

Action items

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